[blockquote]The best resource for our students in the 21st century is still highly skilled and experienced teachers.[/blockquote]
[page_container][dropcaps type=”square-round-corner” color=”#00BAFF” size=”50px”]W[/dropcaps]ith over 12 years of international teaching experience designing and implementing American, British, Canadian and International Baccalaureate programs, Aaron enjoys working with educators to provide timely, relevant, and purposeful professional development across multiple subject areas and school levels. He has been invited by the following schools to help raise the technical proficiency and digital pedagogies of their faculties.[/page_container]

Discovery College

  • Integrating technology
    into the PYP
  • Infusing Technology into Language Studies


Hong Kong International School

  • Digital Literacies
  • Integrating iWorks
  • Multimedia Presentations with Keynote


Jakarta International School

  • Technology Infused Learning
  • Best Practices for a Digital Classroom
  • Learning with iWorks


Garden International School

  • Blended Learning with Moodle
